St. Basil Social Concerns August 2024 Newsletter

St. Basil Social Concerns August 2024 Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Shoe Collection for Refugee Children

On the weekends of August 24-25 and August 31-September 1, the Social Concerns Commission will have a collection for refugee children. We will be collecting new school shoes and gift cards for Target, Marshall's, or Walmart. The donations will be provided to refugee children attending the following schools in Cleveland:

  • International Newcomers Academy
  • Metro Catholic
  • St. Stanislaus

The shoe sizes the schools are looking for are youth sizes 1-5 and adult sizes 6-9.

The children will be wearing the shoes the whole school year, including winter, so buy a pair of shoes appropriate for the whole school year, such as gym shoes. No sandals or canvas shoes, please.

Place your donations in the bins in the gathering area at church on the weekends of August 24-25 and August 31-September 1.

Next Meeting (New Date)

Thursday September 5 at 6:30 PM in the parish office.

Note the new meeting date. This meeting is a week earlier than usual.

Newsletter Archives

You can read previous newsletters at the newsletter homepage.

8700 Brecksville Rd., Brecksville, OH 44141
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St. Basil Social Concerns Commission

This is the newsletter for the Social Concerns Commission of St. Basil the Great parish in Brecksville Ohio. The newsletter lets the rest of the parish know about what the commission is doing, upcoming talks, and upcoming collections. Subscribe to be notified by email of upcoming events. When you hit the Subscribe button, a window may open asking you to subscribe to three unrelated newsletters. Hit the Maybe Later button to close the window and avoid subscribing to those newsletters.

Read more from St. Basil Social Concerns Commission

Ways to Help Refugees Resettle in the Cleveland Area Sister Rita Mary Harwood spoke at St. Basil on April 29, 2024 about the work the Cleveland Diocese is doing to help refugees resettle in the Cleveland area and how people can contribute. People who attended the talk received a handout listing ways they could assist the work the Diocese is doing. This article contains the information in the handout for people who were unable to attend the talk. Places that Help Refugees Refugee Resource...